Aid for Beninese youth on the Grande Sierra Leone

There are countries in the world where fundamental rights, such as access to education and healthcare, are not always guaranteed as they should be. For years, the Grimaldi Group has been supporting the Consulate of the Republic of Benin in Naples, which is committed to implementing projects aimed at promoting education and safeguarding the well-being of Beninese youth, often compromised by difficulties and material shortages.

In collaboration with the maritime agency Michele Autuori of Salerno, the shipping company has also decided to contribute to the Consulate’s latest mission, launched last September. This involves the construction of ten school modules across Benin, to be completed by March. To support this initiative, the Grimaldi Group has offered free transportation for a container filled with hospital equipment, furniture, school supplies, personal computers, musical instruments and other humanitarian aid – all donated by institutions, associations and private citizens.

The container will depart from Salerno on 21 February aboard the vessel Grande Sierra Leone, which will transport it to the Beninese port of Cotonou.